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Targeting Types - Overview - Copy directly from Doc360 Site

Life supports targeting a wide variety of audiences such as health consumers and HCPs. You can mix and match targeting types to reach the exact audience you desire. This article provides a high-level summary of what targeting entails.


In Washington State, DTC campaigns in the Life platform will limit bidding to contextual pages only. Any resulting data from contextual bidding will no longer be used for audience creation or targeting. Audience targeting, including segmenting and retargeting, will no longer be permitted. These changes will apply automatically within the platform for DTC campaigns only; HCP audiences and targeting will not be affected.

Where to Find

Every tactic in Life has a section under the SETTINGS tab for entering targeting types (a.k.a. targeting rules).

creating a targeting template in ACTIVATION, skip to step 4.

  • In a tactic, if you wish to import a predefined set of targeting rules:

    1. Click . (Click here for info.)

    2. To customize your imported rules for this tactic only, you can add, edit, or delete targeting rules.

    3. Skip to step 10.

  • In a tactic, to add a targeting rule, click  to open a panel containing all available targeting rules per the following example. If no targeting rule(s) already exist, click Add Targeting Rule.

  • Select targeting rule to add/modify.
    > HINT - You can search for a targeting type by name. (A)

  • Target and/or block entities, setting options as needed.

  • Click  when done.

  • Repeat steps - 6 for other targeting rules as needed.

  • Click outside the above menu when done.

  • For existing tactics, to create a template containing the current targeting rules, save tactic, and click . (Click here for info.)

  • Unless you are entering a new tactic and need to specify bid multipliers, click .

Cross-device support.

  • B: Available tabs, each representing a different targeting method.

  • C: Filtering

    • C1: Display all items meeting search criteria.

    • C2: Display only selected items meeting search criteria.

  • D: Search for list item.

  • E: Target/block list item. For hierarchical taxonomies, click  to expand.

  • F: Display of Data Cost.

Other interfaces exist, such as the following.

In this instance, there is:

  • A global target/block setting. (AA)

  • A series of toggles. (BB)

Targeting vs. Blocking


Blocking always supersedes targeting within the same targeting type and across all other targeting types.

  • Same targeting type: If you target Endocrine System Diseases, and block subcategory Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Mellitus will never be targeted.

  • Multiple targeting types: If you target females, and block age 25-29, females in that age group will never be targeted.

Structure of Targeting Types

A targeting type contains one or more tabs. e.g.,

Targeting Multiple Rules

Within each targeting type, an impression is targeted if any of the criteria are met (i.e., OR'd together), unless otherwise indicated.

If you enable more than one targeting type, an impression is targeted if it matches the criteria within all targeting types (i.e., AND'd together).


If you target:

  • Age: 35-39, 40-44

  • Ethnicity: African American, Caucasian

Your ads will target people in age groups 35-39 or 40-44, but only if their ethnicity is African American or Caucasian.

Delete Button



Unless otherwise specified, the

button (A) deletes all items from all tabs in a targeting type. There is no confirmation prompt.

  • A tab is defined as an option on the left-hand side of the screen. (B)

Display on Tactic Page

Once you add targeting rules, they display in green if targeted, and red if blocked. This screenshot is from the Life Tactic Page.


To view the full name of a partially displayed entity (with three dots at the end), mouse over it. (A, B)

Health Pages, which we use in the examples below, or Health Populations.

When you target a category, all sub-categories are targeted by default. In some cases, specific sub-categories may not be listed, but they will still be targeted within the parent.

If you wish to exclude a subcategory whose parent is targeted, you must block it.

MeSH Category Hierarchy

You can target conditions and treatments (e.g., for the Health Pages targeting type) via MeSH line item types.

Audience Attribute




Health Journey

Health Marketplace

Media Supply

Search Specific

For tactics (ad groups) belonging to Search Extension line items only:


For tactics belonging to Video line items only:

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